Email Anatomy

1. Narrative

Define the email’s purpose:

Product feature?


Plain Text?

Short and informative?

Build a narrative for every email you send.

What is the purpose?

This will help define how long your email will be and when you

Are you trying to focus on your brand story?

Then add a picture of the founder and a plain text note.

2. Hero section

Your hero section is the most important aspect of your email.

This will determine if someone is going to convert or not.

The rest of the email is supplementary and will help to sell your narrative but this first section, this hero section, is what will turn conversions.

Simple Content: Follow up with a subheader if more information needs to be communicated.

Simple backgrounds + negative space are essential.


Find the right size for your brand fonts so the type is not over or underwhelming.

TEST on mobile. Can’t stress this enough.

Don’t make it too large or too small.

3. Call-to-action

Above the Fold

On mobile, make sure your CTA is visible in the hero section for conversion.

Action with Intention

Don’t create CTA fatigue.

*Best time to add a CTA: below the header, after long body text, and under product blocks.


Don’t make it too large or too small.

Find the sweet-spot for your audience.

Piece it together