How to Launch a Physical or Digital Product

I’m gearing up to launch my newest course this week.

And in doing such, I wanted to share how I go about launching my digital products (which is similar to how I launch products for my clients too).

I’m a huge proponent of building in public.

Building in public allows you to solicit value feedback and ultimately build something people WANT.

Let’s walk through the high level of how I chose what course to launch and how I built a waitlist of around 500 people for this new course.

Step 1: Ask for feedback and insight

For me, it usually starts with a Twitter and LinkedIn poll.

For this specific example, I asked:

What course would you want to see first?

These are the results from the Twitter poll:


As you can see the agency course and email copywriting course were neck to neck.

Pretty much a single vote lead to the email copywriting course winning on Twitter.

However, on LinkedIn, the agency course (which I’m calling The Agency Acceleration Course) had the highest number of votes, which is why I ended up deciding to move forward with that course first.

And, even before this poll, I posted this (see below), which lead to dozens of comments.


Step 2: Commit to the product and start sharing updates to drive waitlist signups

Continuing with the theme of building in public, I started sharing some high-level updates that I had begun on the course and that I’d follow up with more info when I had it.


The tweet above ended up driving 201 clicks to my waitlist landing page.

I then followed it up with this tweet 2 days later:

This tweet drove 236 clicks to my waitlist landing page.

So between the first two tweets, that’s already 437 clicks to the landing page.

And from there, I posted one or two more tweets like this (see below), which also drove hundreds of clicks.


So by now, I think you get the point.

It’s super important that you spend enough time building in public and ultimately hyping up what you’re building.

It allows people to get excited and helps shape what the product eventually becomes.

It’s also super important that you leverage your email and SMS lists to promote whatever it is you’re building and launching.

In my welcome series, I ask people what type of business they own or work at. And one of the answers is an agency, so I also have a segment of people outside just those that subscribed to my agency course waitlist, that I know will be great potential buyers of this new course.

And one of the most important things is being transparent.

I planned to launch this course in February but I’m so glad I didn’t because I ended up adding way more to the course which made it 10X more valuable.

I sent this email out to my list which actually ended up making the course that much better due to the responses I received:


This email had a 72.50% open rate and around a 20% reply rate.

I used around a bunch of the replies I got to build out a bonus section within the course.

Step 3: Launch the product and have a special offer for early adopters

This week as mentioned is the launch of this new course.

Here’s the checklist I’ll be running:

  • Hype on social

  • Hype on email

  • Hype on SMS

  • Announce to waitlist

  • Announce to broad list

  • Announce on social

    Hope this helps and if you run an agency, make sure you signup for the waitlist for my agency course, which launches later this week.