Post Purchase Education Emails

Post Purchase Emails are some of the most important emails you can send.

Yet, after working with and auditing 100’s of brands email programs, Post Purchase Education Emails tend to be one of the most common emails that brands are missing.

My rule of thumb is that if a product is consumable, topical, confusing, or expensive, you need to send emails after purchase, teaching people how to use and consume it.

Teaching people how to properly use and consume your product will ensure that they get the maximum benefit from your company.

Them getting the maximum benefit will lead to repeat purchases and ultimately increase your lifetime value.

Here are 3 emails we created for one of our clients who sells custom goggles.

Their product is expensive, and we want to ensure customers use it properly. This is especially important since most of their customers will use the goggles in high-stakes situations (casual swimming and even competitions like triathlons).

Email 1: Wearing the Goggles.

This email below is all about how to wear the goggles properly.

If your customers are confused about how to use your product, you will have many customer support tickets, potential returns, and possibly poor reviews.

The inverse is true, too. If we can ensure our customers get the most out of our products, we will end up with glowing reviews and customers sharing their incredible product experiences with friends and family.


Email 2: Antifog

Step 1 above was about how to wear them.

So, Step 2 is now about a tip (see the email below) to make sure they work properly while you're wearing them.

What good is wearing them if you can’t see them while using them?

So, this email is all about ensuring you have the best possible experience while wearing them.

If they keep fogging up, you’ll get frustrated, feel out of luck, and ultimately feel like the product was falsely advertised. Thus, this can result in a bunch of refund requests.

So this email should help mitigate that issue from happening.


Email 3: Protect Your Goggles

To recap: Steps 1 and 2 focused on wearing the goggles properly (without fog).

This leads us to Step 3, which is caring for them.

This email is about product longevity. Make sure you take care of your products properly so they can stay good for longer (aka get your money’s worth).


I hope you enjoyed this article on Post Purchase Education Emails!

