Subject Line Tips

Outside where your email lands (primary inbox, promotions folder, or spam), there are 3 factors that determine whether or not someone will open your email.

Those 3 factors are (from left to right within the inbox):

1. From Name

2. Subject Line

3. Preview Text

For this article, let's dive into some Subject Line Tips.

Here are a few subject line tips: 

  • Test Using Emojis - these can help increase your open rates.

  • Use Personalization - using someone’s first name, when available, can get you a bump in open rate.

  • Be personal - pretend you’re writing to a friend.

    You wouldn’t say:

    Subject: Hey John, Let’s Do Dinner?

    Instead…you might say

    Subject: dinner?

  • Whenever possible, be specific - specificity almost always wins.

    For example:

    Subject: How I lost weight by eating Cheetos


    Subject: How I lost 13 lbs. in 3 days eating Cheetos

  • Use curiosity as much as possible - curiosity is one of the greatest emotional drivers humans have.

    So do your best to create as much of it as you can in your subject lines.

    For example:

    Subject: One doctor’s tip for better health


    Subject: Why America’s #1 doctor says do NOT eat broccoli!